{"version":"https://jsonfeed.org/version/1","title":"Real Sh*t with Brit and Whit","home_page_url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm","feed_url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/json","description":"We’re just 2 regular women with crazy shiz running through our minds all day. Come along on this journey with us as we air our dirty laundry and make you feel sane. We're going to laugh, cry, and get real about the topics most people won't discuss out loud. Welcome to our lives!","_fireside":{"subtitle":"2 girls getting real about life","pubdate":"2025-02-05T08:00:00.000-07:00","explicit":true,"copyright":"2025 by Britandwhit","owner":"Britt \u0026 Whit","image":"https://media24.fireside.fm/file/fireside-images-2024/podcasts/images/0/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/cover.jpg?v=1"},"items":[{"id":"65873714-356e-4434-9208-5c107c5cf7f0","title":"96: Healing After Infidelity","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/96","content_text":"Nicole Jones sat down and talked to us about what life looks like after her husband's secret was revealed on TV. How do you move forward after feeling like your life has been public ripped apart? Nicole opens up about how hard but rewarding it has been to rebuild her marriage. Special Guest: Nicole Jones.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eNicole Jones sat down and talked to us about what life looks like after her husband\u0026#39;s secret was revealed on TV. How do you move forward after feeling like your life has been public ripped apart? Nicole opens up about how hard but rewarding it has been to rebuild her marriage. \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Nicole Jones.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"How do you heal and move on after your partner betrays you? This is a question we are asking Nicole Jones from Sold on SLC. ","date_published":"2025-02-05T08:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/65873714-356e-4434-9208-5c107c5cf7f0.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":66774709,"duration_in_seconds":4282}]},{"id":"a34e31bf-a3ba-43a1-b768-263c1c8ee3d0","title":"95: 2 Girls 1 Cup...of Question","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/95","content_text":"Ever wonder what kind of animal Britt would choose to be or what kind of super power Whit wishes she had? Learn all the random crap about Britt and Whit in this episode where they pull random questions from a cup to ask each other. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eEver wonder what kind of animal Britt would choose to be or what kind of super power Whit wishes she had? Learn all the random crap about Britt and Whit in this episode where they pull random questions from a cup to ask each other. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Britt and Whit pull random questions from a cup and ask each other to answer. They don't know what questions are coming out next. ","date_published":"2025-01-22T08:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/a34e31bf-a3ba-43a1-b768-263c1c8ee3d0.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":42308016,"duration_in_seconds":2355}]},{"id":"9336b20b-5f28-4889-b871-7fd077139ac6","title":"94: Christmas Crazies","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/94","content_text":"Britt and Whit are talking all things Christmas Craziness. Who has time to wrap gifts with all the christmas concerts, kids activities, and holiday parties? Do you want to watch Christmas movies? Good luck finding the time but we will let you know which ones are worth watching. Enjoy surviving the holidays with us!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eBritt and Whit are talking all things Christmas Craziness. Who has time to wrap gifts with all the christmas concerts, kids activities, and holiday parties? Do you want to watch Christmas movies? Good luck finding the time but we will let you know which ones are worth watching. Enjoy surviving the holidays with us!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The holidays are always so hectic but we'll tell you what shows to watch and why none of our wrapping of presents is done. ","date_published":"2024-12-19T09:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/9336b20b-5f28-4889-b871-7fd077139ac6.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":32398503,"duration_in_seconds":1805}]},{"id":"1d3a32a1-d89b-4d49-aa4f-8122c6ab5101","title":"93: Overwhelemed","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/93","content_text":"Brit and Whit and talking about what is currently overwhelming them in life right now. When life gets to be too much wht do we do? Nothing! Just Kidding, kind of. This week we also asked instagram what's overewheleming the listeners and you guys, we feel you. We're all overwhelmed right now!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eBrit and Whit and talking about what is currently overwhelming them in life right now. When life gets to be too much wht do we do? Nothing! Just Kidding, kind of. This week we also asked instagram what\u0026#39;s overewheleming the listeners and you guys, we feel you. We\u0026#39;re all overwhelmed right now!\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Are you overwhelmed? We are, too! As busy moms, partners, workers, etc., we feel pulled in so many different directions, and it can be overwhelming a lot of the time. So come on, tell us what overwhelms you. ","date_published":"2024-11-04T01:45:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/1d3a32a1-d89b-4d49-aa4f-8122c6ab5101.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":24047451,"duration_in_seconds":2149}]},{"id":"bc8ae2d4-2b21-4df4-ab78-b6c8e8797d56","title":"92: New Man, New School","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/92","content_text":"Britt and Whit are catching up this week on what's been going on in their lives. Britt's dating a new man that she is head over heels for. They've already tested their relationship by taking a vacation with some of their kids. Whit's busy working and momming. Kids are back in school so a renewed sense of freedom has made her step up her game and get things done. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eBritt and Whit are catching up this week on what\u0026#39;s been going on in their lives. Britt\u0026#39;s dating a new man that she is head over heels for. They\u0026#39;ve already tested their relationship by taking a vacation with some of their kids. Whit\u0026#39;s busy working and momming. Kids are back in school so a renewed sense of freedom has made her step up her game and get things done. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Brit and Whit are shooting the sh*t this week catching up on each other's lives. Britt's got a new mans and Whit's still doing the same boring stuff. Kids are back in school which means a little bit more freedom for these 2 mamas.","date_published":"2024-09-09T11:15:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/bc8ae2d4-2b21-4df4-ab78-b6c8e8797d56.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":63236274,"duration_in_seconds":2732}]},{"id":"eab46f5c-1d57-41af-b8a8-3f41cd491752","title":"91: Britt's Dating Life","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/91","content_text":"Britt is back into the dating world and on dating apps. She gives us all a quick run down of how dating is going in her late 30's. Has she found some good connections or is dating the worst possible thing at our age? ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eBritt is back into the dating world and on dating apps. She gives us all a quick run down of how dating is going in her late 30\u0026#39;s. Has she found some good connections or is dating the worst possible thing at our age? \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Britt gives us all an update on how her dating life is going, the good, the bad, the F-Boys...","date_published":"2024-07-04T16:30:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/eab46f5c-1d57-41af-b8a8-3f41cd491752.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":84701570,"duration_in_seconds":3895}]},{"id":"e40a84a0-cd13-4369-8761-75dfe6920b50","title":"90: Teenage Struggles","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/90","content_text":"This week we're talking to Heather about the struggles teenagers face in todays world. Heather shares her own daughters struggles with depression, self harm, and hospitalization. How do parents help with what teens are facing now?Special Guest: Heather Green.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week we\u0026#39;re talking to Heather about the struggles teenagers face in todays world. Heather shares her own daughters struggles with depression, self harm, and hospitalization. How do parents help with what teens are facing now?\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Heather Green.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Our guest, Heather, is on talking about her daughters struggles with depression and self harm. ","date_published":"2024-03-20T08:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/e40a84a0-cd13-4369-8761-75dfe6920b50.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":66393969,"duration_in_seconds":4155}]},{"id":"e8ad99c2-78df-4902-b29b-e4eff765bebf","title":"89: 2 Girls 1 Cup... of Questions","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/89","content_text":"Ever wonder if you would pick to fly or freeze time? How about what job you would avoid? Brit and Whit answer random questions they pull from a cup. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eEver wonder if you would pick to fly or freeze time? How about what job you would avoid? Brit and Whit answer random questions they pull from a cup. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Britt and Whit are back at it answering random questions. ","date_published":"2024-02-23T14:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/e8ad99c2-78df-4902-b29b-e4eff765bebf.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37370815,"duration_in_seconds":3032}]},{"id":"2b1b3129-751b-42d8-8e5f-889955c20816","title":"88: Gangsters Paradise ","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/88","content_text":"Britt is going through big changes and figuring out who she is. Whit is dealing with the same old stuff and not setting new years reso's. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eBritt is going through big changes and figuring out who she is. Whit is dealing with the same old stuff and not setting new years reso\u0026#39;s. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Brit and Whit talk about where they've been the last few months.","date_published":"2024-01-09T08:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/2b1b3129-751b-42d8-8e5f-889955c20816.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":41854585,"duration_in_seconds":1903}]},{"id":"56745e53-ca31-4639-9729-4542a09eb495","title":"86: Marriage Talk with Lindsay","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/86","content_text":"Brit and Whit have Lindsay Cluff, from Lindsay Cluff Coaching, on this week to talk about all things marriage. Lindsay has great insight and advice on how to get your marriage back on track after feeling discounted. Special Guest: Lindsay Cluff.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eBrit and Whit have Lindsay Cluff, from Lindsay Cluff Coaching, on this week to talk about all things marriage. Lindsay has great insight and advice on how to get your marriage back on track after feeling discounted. \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Lindsay Cluff.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Lindsay Cluff is on the podcast talking all about marriage and giving the best advice. ","date_published":"2023-04-27T08:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/56745e53-ca31-4639-9729-4542a09eb495.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":52067192,"duration_in_seconds":4768}]},{"id":"d2acf888-4ea5-47ed-9e60-7a8f60fc92ea","title":"85: 2 Girls 1 Cup... of Questions","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/85","content_text":"Brit and Whit are back to pulling questions out of a cup and answering the most randomness we could find on the internet. Listen to the ridiculous answers they come up with on the spot. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eBrit and Whit are back to pulling questions out of a cup and answering the most randomness we could find on the internet. Listen to the ridiculous answers they come up with on the spot. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Random questions Brit and Whit pull from a cup. These questions are usually random and fun but some might make you think. ","date_published":"2023-03-22T09:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/d2acf888-4ea5-47ed-9e60-7a8f60fc92ea.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":22893314,"duration_in_seconds":2091}]},{"id":"19772d2d-691f-46cb-8efe-cfc9784f6285","title":"84: Brit's Infection of Doom","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/84","content_text":"Brit is taking us through the last 6 months of her journey from hell. How Covid and an infection completely derailed her life and how she is still fighting to get back to \"normal\".","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eBrit is taking us through the last 6 months of her journey from hell. How Covid and an infection completely derailed her life and how she is still fighting to get back to \u0026quot;normal\u0026quot;.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"After 6 months of no episodes, Brit and Whit are back! Brit is talking about how her life was completely turned upside down in September 2022. She's been fighting covid, infections, and vestibular issues. ","date_published":"2023-03-10T10:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/19772d2d-691f-46cb-8efe-cfc9784f6285.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":53121226,"duration_in_seconds":4487}]},{"id":"1ee889ac-8ed0-484b-9eb0-06409cdcc1ce","title":"83: Binge Worthy","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/83","content_text":"Brit and Whit are excited that the kiddos are back in school. With the kids out the door, mom can finally sit down and watch her shows with no interruptions. Brit and Whit discuss which shows they've binged lately. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eBrit and Whit are excited that the kiddos are back in school. With the kids out the door, mom can finally sit down and watch her shows with no interruptions. Brit and Whit discuss which shows they\u0026#39;ve binged lately. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Kids are back in school, fall is coming, and it's time to binge-watch our favorite shows. ","date_published":"2022-08-29T10:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/1ee889ac-8ed0-484b-9eb0-06409cdcc1ce.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":42153062,"duration_in_seconds":3415}]},{"id":"19811b1e-5fb6-4e06-9e20-79a09fe6d6e4","title":"82: The Plague of Comparison","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/82","content_text":"Brit and Whit are getting real about comparison. Why do we all suffer from comparring ourselves to others and especially those on social media? How do we stop comparing ourselves or atleast look at the comparison from a different angle? We're getting down to the nitty gritty and how to learn to love yourself as you are. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eBrit and Whit are getting real about comparison. Why do we all suffer from comparring ourselves to others and especially those on social media? How do we stop comparing ourselves or atleast look at the comparison from a different angle? We\u0026#39;re getting down to the nitty gritty and how to learn to love yourself as you are. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Raise your hand if you suffer from comparison. (raises hand) We all do whether it's money, relationships, bodies, or material items, we all compare ourselves to others. Although it's human nature it's time for us to let it go. ","date_published":"2022-07-20T14:15:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/19811b1e-5fb6-4e06-9e20-79a09fe6d6e4.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":43110590,"duration_in_seconds":3522}]},{"id":"1af4d496-2101-4747-a5b2-261a1ff7b499","title":"81: Summertime Misery","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/81","content_text":"Brit and Whit are talking about how summer is going so far with the kids home. We always have high hopes of being cool mom's and having the funnest summer but it never turns out the way we think it will. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eBrit and Whit are talking about how summer is going so far with the kids home. We always have high hopes of being cool mom\u0026#39;s and having the funnest summer but it never turns out the way we think it will. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"It's Summertime and the living is not easy. Brit and Whit are trying to survive summer, be cool moms, and give out all the snacks. ","date_published":"2022-07-06T09:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/1af4d496-2101-4747-a5b2-261a1ff7b499.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":30383516,"duration_in_seconds":2233}]},{"id":"e653321c-3926-4f3d-bc2a-84c6df8e3330","title":"80: 2 Girls 1 Cup... of Questions","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/80","content_text":"Want to hear the answers to the most random questions. Brit and Whit pull questions from a cup and answer them on the spot. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWant to hear the answers to the most random questions. Brit and Whit pull questions from a cup and answer them on the spot. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We're back with the Questions we pull from a cup.","date_published":"2022-03-21T08:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/e653321c-3926-4f3d-bc2a-84c6df8e3330.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":44472163,"duration_in_seconds":3579}]},{"id":"efa07044-e818-45a3-af2a-d254905de1d6","title":"79: Unbecoming with Ilana Gershon","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/79","content_text":"Ilana Gershon is on the podcast talking about her new book \"Unbecoming\". If you need to learn self care, meditation, taking time for yourself, affirmations, and letting go of things that don't serve you. This one's for you!Special Guest: Ilana Gershon.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIlana Gershon is on the podcast talking about her new book \u0026quot;Unbecoming\u0026quot;. If you need to learn self care, meditation, taking time for yourself, affirmations, and letting go of things that don\u0026#39;t serve you. This one\u0026#39;s for you!\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Ilana Gershon.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Brit and Whit have Ilana Gershon talking about her new book Unbecoming: The Ultimate Self-Care Guide For Busy Mamas.","date_published":"2022-01-21T08:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/efa07044-e818-45a3-af2a-d254905de1d6.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":35703714,"duration_in_seconds":2707}]},{"id":"0a39a015-d597-4fa9-8d80-afaa648ee813","title":"78: When Mommy Did Mushrooms","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/78","content_text":"This week Brit is telling us about her journey on Mushrooms. After years of trying therapy and different routes of dealing with past trauma, Brit reluctantly decided mushrooms might be worth a shot. Listen to Brit's funny story about how she went kicking and screaming to the healers but had a journey that changed her life. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit is telling us about her journey on Mushrooms. After years of trying therapy and different routes of dealing with past trauma, Brit reluctantly decided mushrooms might be worth a shot. Listen to Brit\u0026#39;s funny story about how she went kicking and screaming to the healers but had a journey that changed her life. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Brit and Whit are talking about Brit's journey on mushrooms. After years of Brit trying to deal with trauma from the past, she reluctantly decided to take a journey. ","date_published":"2022-01-07T08:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/0a39a015-d597-4fa9-8d80-afaa648ee813.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":70594397,"duration_in_seconds":5768}]},{"id":"b691d893-9f69-4040-99b5-de21b60f448e","title":"77: Behind the Scenes with Content Creator Laura Burtis","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/77","content_text":"In this episode we go behind the scenes with content creator Laura Burtis from the AMAZING Instagram account Daisy Burtis aka \" Daisy Dupes\" and talk about what it's really like to be in front of the camera day in and day out while juggling kids, marriage \u0026amp; personal life! Laura brings you the deals, hilarious reels \u0026amp; all the feels! Come listen \u0026amp; find out how she started her account \u0026amp; if she ever has days where this lifestyle affects daily life... and you know there will be laughs! Special Guest: Laura Burtis.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this episode we go behind the scenes with content creator Laura Burtis from the AMAZING Instagram account Daisy Burtis aka \u0026quot; Daisy Dupes\u0026quot; and talk about what it\u0026#39;s really like to be in front of the camera day in and day out while juggling kids, marriage \u0026amp; personal life! Laura brings you the deals, hilarious reels \u0026amp; all the feels! Come listen \u0026amp; find out how she started her account \u0026amp; if she ever has days where this lifestyle affects daily life... and you know there will be laughs! \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Laura Burtis.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This week Brit and Whit interview Laura Burtis from her Instagram account Daisy Burtis about what it takes to be a content creator. ","date_published":"2021-11-15T09:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/b691d893-9f69-4040-99b5-de21b60f448e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":42862458,"duration_in_seconds":2868}]},{"id":"e6b02b4f-b426-46c4-ba37-5a208db50c86","title":"76: 2 Girls 1 Cup... of Questions","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/76","content_text":"Want to know if Brit and Whit think Robots will take over one day or if they believe there's a God? This episode of 2 girls 1 cup... of questions goes from silly to deep and everything in between. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWant to know if Brit and Whit think Robots will take over one day or if they believe there\u0026#39;s a God? This episode of 2 girls 1 cup... of questions goes from silly to deep and everything in between. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This week Brit and Whit answer the most random questions they pull out of a cup. ","date_published":"2021-11-10T14:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/e6b02b4f-b426-46c4-ba37-5a208db50c86.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":26652520,"duration_in_seconds":2357}]},{"id":"5f26c647-7921-4192-a3ff-106d10fd09a7","title":"75: Overwhelmed and Anxious","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/75","content_text":"Do you feel like you have to keep it all together? Balance life, work, kids, husbands, friends, and self care and stay sane. This week Brit and Whit are talking about how every women feels overwhelmed in life and that's ok. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eDo you feel like you have to keep it all together? Balance life, work, kids, husbands, friends, and self care and stay sane. This week Brit and Whit are talking about how every women feels overwhelmed in life and that\u0026#39;s ok. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This week Brit and Whit are talking about how overwhelming life can before for women sometimes. ","date_published":"2021-10-13T08:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/5f26c647-7921-4192-a3ff-106d10fd09a7.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":47530121,"duration_in_seconds":2695}]},{"id":"cc2d7230-8b5a-48be-aab7-3cc4b8e50d2d","title":"74: Interview with Morgan Kline from Coffee and Kettlebells","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/74","content_text":"We're so happy to have the opprotunity to interview Morgan Kline of Burn Boot Camp. It's inspiring to see how burn was started and where it's going. Morgan is a driven woman and her attitude of making it through anything is infectious. Special Guest: Morgan Kline.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe\u0026#39;re so happy to have the opprotunity to interview Morgan Kline of Burn Boot Camp. It\u0026#39;s inspiring to see how burn was started and where it\u0026#39;s going. Morgan is a driven woman and her attitude of making it through anything is infectious. \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Morgan Kline.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Brit and Whit Interview Morgan Kline owner and CEO of Burn Boot Camp. Find out how burn started and what keeps it going. ","date_published":"2021-10-01T15:30:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/cc2d7230-8b5a-48be-aab7-3cc4b8e50d2d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":22589561,"duration_in_seconds":1410}]},{"id":"155f6066-d1c0-4e75-8299-b230761b730e","title":"73: Brit and Whit are Back Like Mom Jeans","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/73","content_text":"We're back... Life has been busy and it isn't slowing down so we're doubling down and in it to win it. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe\u0026#39;re back... Life has been busy and it isn\u0026#39;t slowing down so we\u0026#39;re doubling down and in it to win it. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We're Back... and yes we know we've said that before. ","date_published":"2021-09-15T08:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/155f6066-d1c0-4e75-8299-b230761b730e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":25213445,"duration_in_seconds":1417}]},{"id":"e2947b05-5ef2-4162-998d-0b911ac37e3e","title":"72: Motherhood...The Toughest Hood","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/72","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit are talking with Ryanne from the Instagram handle Honestly Momma. This episode is all about mom's being real with each other to create more authentic connections. Let's stop the comparison games and mom shaming and start celebrating what makes us similar. Special Guest: Ryanne.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit are talking with Ryanne from the Instagram handle Honestly Momma. This episode is all about mom\u0026#39;s being real with each other to create more authentic connections. Let\u0026#39;s stop the comparison games and mom shaming and start celebrating what makes us similar. \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Ryanne.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Brit and Whit have guest Ryanne from Honestly Momma. Their talking about all things mom guilt, shame, and comparison. ","date_published":"2021-05-03T08:30:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/e2947b05-5ef2-4162-998d-0b911ac37e3e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":97900045,"duration_in_seconds":4111}]},{"id":"1ab305ab-1d4a-48e7-8332-a2103e31fd7a","title":"71: 99 Problems And The Phone is 1","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/71","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit are talking about additictions with our phones. Are the kids going to have any imaginations or know how to keep themselves from boredom? Are realtionships with our loved ones doomed to suffer? Or should we just embrace technology as the future of everyone's lives?","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit are talking about additictions with our phones. Are the kids going to have any imaginations or know how to keep themselves from boredom? Are realtionships with our loved ones doomed to suffer? Or should we just embrace technology as the future of everyone\u0026#39;s lives?\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Brit and Whit are talking about everyone's addiction to phones. Who's on the phone more, kids, your spouse, or yourself? It's always a battle of who's on their phone less. ","date_published":"2021-04-19T13:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/1ab305ab-1d4a-48e7-8332-a2103e31fd7a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":38803639,"duration_in_seconds":3304}]},{"id":"804ceb80-d2bb-45b8-8180-46a366b2b444","title":"70: Us in a Nutshell","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/70","content_text":"Brit and Whit are picking up the mic's again! This is who we are and why we started the podcast. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eBrit and Whit are picking up the mic\u0026#39;s again! This is who we are and why we started the podcast. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Welcome, We're back again. If you're new here this is who we are and why we podcast. ","date_published":"2021-03-23T08:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/804ceb80-d2bb-45b8-8180-46a366b2b444.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":17596817,"duration_in_seconds":1515}]},{"id":"b513e576-7512-4c5c-8ae9-30c2f8a95745","title":"69: This Is Just My Face","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/69","content_text":"Brit and Whit are talking raising pre-teen and teenage girls. We're talking all things grumpy moods and never wanting to leave thier rooms, to the weird trends teens are into these days. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eBrit and Whit are talking raising pre-teen and teenage girls. We\u0026#39;re talking all things grumpy moods and never wanting to leave thier rooms, to the weird trends teens are into these days. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We're talking about raising teens and pre-teen girls. The hygiene, attitudes, periods, and drama are non-stop. ","date_published":"2021-02-01T08:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/b513e576-7512-4c5c-8ae9-30c2f8a95745.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":96754375,"duration_in_seconds":3960}]},{"id":"10fde0e5-5b98-48a4-8a82-4ea59a875188","title":"68: New Year... Same Bullsh*t","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/68","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit review the last few months and what they've been up too. They're talking about covid pregnancy, election day, halloween, goodbye Deebo, and so much more. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit review the last few months and what they\u0026#39;ve been up too. They\u0026#39;re talking about covid pregnancy, election day, halloween, goodbye Deebo, and so much more. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Goodbye, 2020 hello 2020 2.0. ","date_published":"2021-01-11T08:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/10fde0e5-5b98-48a4-8a82-4ea59a875188.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":31963559,"duration_in_seconds":2750}]},{"id":"5de5cc6f-32f2-447d-b866-1979febd5954","title":"67: Digging Deep into Our Closets ","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/67","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit have DeLee the slow fashion expert on the podcast. DeLee is teaching us all about why we need to think about what we buy and how to wear what you already have. Special Guest: DeLee Cox.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit have DeLee the slow fashion expert on the podcast. DeLee is teaching us all about why we need to think about what we buy and how to wear what you already have. \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: DeLee Cox.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"This week Brit and Whit have DeLee the slow fashion expert on the podcast. DeLee is teaching us all about why we need to think about what we buy and how to wear what you already have. ","date_published":"2020-10-26T08:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/5de5cc6f-32f2-447d-b866-1979febd5954.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":50831152,"duration_in_seconds":1874}]},{"id":"3e2ac9fa-04aa-4e4a-8bb9-4741774e22c9","title":"66: Lily and Timmy do COVID","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/66","content_text":"We're taling to Comedians and Authors Mike Farrell and Jacob Horn who wrote the children's Books about COVID-19. Mike and Jacob decided 2020 was the year to add Authors to their resume and we're glad they did. Go buy their darling childrens books about COVID-19. Special Guests: Jacob Horn and Mike Farrell.Links:Lily \u0026amp; Timmy's Super Awesome, Incredible Covid-19 Birthday Party — This hilarious children's book tells the story of six-year-old twins who were supposed to go to Disneyland for their birthday…but they are forced to shelter-in-place when a pandemic comes to town!\r\nLuckily, Timmy and Lily’s creative and fun-loving mother saves the day while her man-child husband sanitizes, social distances, and panic-buys amidst the pandemoniumLily \u0026amp; Timmy Go Back 2 School — After being stuck inside their house for months, twin brother and sister Lily and Timmy are looking forward to their first day of first grade and getting to play with all their friends again. But life is definitely not back to normal!\r\n\r\nAt school, Lily and Timmy have to stay socially distanced from their classmates; and their strange new teacher, Mr. Handsome, seems to care more about his fancy suit than their learning.\r\n\r\nMeanwhile, Mom wonders when she’ll get more help with school drop-offs and work around the house, because Dad is busy distracting himself from unemployment with a crazy diet and exercise regime!","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe\u0026#39;re taling to Comedians and Authors Mike Farrell and Jacob Horn who wrote the children\u0026#39;s Books about COVID-19. Mike and Jacob decided 2020 was the year to add Authors to their resume and we\u0026#39;re glad they did. Go buy their darling childrens books about COVID-19. \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guests: Jacob Horn and Mike Farrell.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eLinks:\u003c/p\u003e\u003cul\u003e\u003cli\u003e\u003ca title=\"Lily \u0026amp; Timmy\u0026#39;s Super Awesome, Incredible Covid-19 Birthday Party\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"https://www.amazon.com/Timmys-Super-Awesome-Incredible-COVID-19/dp/B089D3N1JB/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2409S2LMUZA40\u0026amp;dchild=1\u0026amp;keywords=timmy+and+lily\u0026amp;qid=1602473486\u0026amp;sprefix=timmy+and+lil%2Caps%2C202\u0026amp;sr=8-1\"\u003eLily \u0026amp; Timmy\u0026#39;s Super Awesome, Incredible Covid-19 Birthday Party\u003c/a\u003e \u0026mdash; This hilarious children's book tells the story of six-year-old twins who were supposed to go to Disneyland for their birthday…but they are forced to shelter-in-place when a pandemic comes to town!\r\nLuckily, Timmy and Lily’s creative and fun-loving mother saves the day while her man-child husband sanitizes, social distances, and panic-buys amidst the pandemonium\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003e\u003ca title=\"Lily \u0026amp; Timmy Go Back 2 School\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"https://www.amazon.com/Lily-Timmy-Back-School-childrens/dp/B08FBNHYZG/ref=pd_sbs_14_1/146-6637030-7444313?_encoding=UTF8\u0026amp;pd_rd_i=B08FBNHYZG\u0026amp;pd_rd_r=576c63a5-c128-4c11-a6db-b01b0b9555e4\u0026amp;pd_rd_w=SwXlm\u0026amp;pd_rd_wg=hknKp\u0026amp;pf_rd_p=b65ee94e-1282-43fc-a8b1-8bf931f6dfab\u0026amp;pf_rd_r=J53BQM6XV5VGE7BW8D37\u0026amp;psc=1\u0026amp;refRID=J53BQM6XV5VGE7BW8D37\"\u003eLily \u0026amp; Timmy Go Back 2 School\u003c/a\u003e \u0026mdash; After being stuck inside their house for months, twin brother and sister Lily and Timmy are looking forward to their first day of first grade and getting to play with all their friends again. But life is definitely not back to normal!\r\n\r\nAt school, Lily and Timmy have to stay socially distanced from their classmates; and their strange new teacher, Mr. Handsome, seems to care more about his fancy suit than their learning.\r\n\r\nMeanwhile, Mom wonders when she’ll get more help with school drop-offs and work around the house, because Dad is busy distracting himself from unemployment with a crazy diet and exercise regime!\u003c/li\u003e\u003c/ul\u003e","summary":"This week Brit and Whit have Comedians and Authors Mike Farrell and Jacob Horn on to talk about their Lily \u0026 Timmy books that are all about COVID-19. ","date_published":"2020-10-12T08:30:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/3e2ac9fa-04aa-4e4a-8bb9-4741774e22c9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":22123040,"duration_in_seconds":1672}]},{"id":"cba273ac-7b54-45c3-bacc-6bc7e48db813","title":"65: Brit's Big Secret","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/65","content_text":"We're back! Here's what's been going on with us and Brit has drops a huge secret. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eWe\u0026#39;re back! Here\u0026#39;s what\u0026#39;s been going on with us and Brit has drops a huge secret. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Brit and Whit are back! Welcome back to this shiz show! We're talking about what's been going on and Brit drops a huge secret. ","date_published":"2020-10-02T08:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/cba273ac-7b54-45c3-bacc-6bc7e48db813.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":23075102,"duration_in_seconds":2102}]},{"id":"9b10f75c-8576-46ee-8c16-47d950fb6f5e","title":"64: Restaurant Stories","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/64","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit are talking about restaurant stories. Brit currently works as a server and Whit worked in a restaurant years ago but they both have some wierd stories they're rady to share. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit are talking about restaurant stories. Brit currently works as a server and Whit worked in a restaurant years ago but they both have some wierd stories they\u0026#39;re rady to share. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Ready for some crazy restaurant stories? We're talking about the good, the bad, and the downright crazy stories from working in a restaurant. ","date_published":"2020-07-17T08:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/9b10f75c-8576-46ee-8c16-47d950fb6f5e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":33226759,"duration_in_seconds":2978}]},{"id":"8c7d898d-40a2-464f-aa76-d39749299488","title":"63: Lessons from the Minivan","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/63","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit have Jill from Lessons from the Minivan on to talk about all her life story. She goes through her chronic illness, being married to a narcissit, and finally getting up the courage to leave for her kids. Special Guest: Jill with Lessons from the Minivan.Links:Jill's Book- What a MessThe Anxiety and Phobia Workbook","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit have Jill from Lessons from the Minivan on to talk about all her life story. She goes through her chronic illness, being married to a narcissit, and finally getting up the courage to leave for her kids. \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Jill with Lessons from the Minivan.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eLinks:\u003c/p\u003e\u003cul\u003e\u003cli\u003e\u003ca title=\"Jill\u0026#39;s Book- What a Mess\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0978528131?pf_rd_r=Q8RGXT8KX6FBE0G71VAF\u0026amp;pf_rd_p=edaba0ee-c2fe-4124-9f5d-b31d6b1bfbee\"\u003eJill\u0026#39;s Book- What a Mess\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003e\u003ca title=\"The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"https://www.amazon.com/Anxiety-Phobia-Workbook-Edmund-Bourne/dp/1684034833/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2MGESE2HPT6JY\u0026amp;dchild=1\u0026amp;keywords=the+anxiety+and+phobia+workbook\u0026amp;qid=1593181943\u0026amp;s=books\u0026amp;sprefix=the+anxiety+%2Cstripbooks%2C235\u0026amp;sr=1-1\"\u003eThe Anxiety and Phobia Workbook\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/li\u003e\u003c/ul\u003e","summary":"Jill from Lesson from the Minivan is on talking about her life with chronic illness and what it was like being married to a narcissist. ","date_published":"2020-06-26T08:45:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/8c7d898d-40a2-464f-aa76-d39749299488.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":51487058,"duration_in_seconds":3077}]},{"id":"90bd912a-abf3-4b9a-88dd-e55cc2ad938f","title":"62: Summer Lovin'... Kinda","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/62","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit are talkibng about how summer is here but everythings the same. Nothing has changed except there's no homework now. Thank god for that. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit are talkibng about how summer is here but everythings the same. Nothing has changed except there\u0026#39;s no homework now. Thank god for that. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Yay, it's summer, or is it? Nothing has changed, the kids are at home like they have been for the last several months and a lot of summer activities are not happening. We do have some plans that we're sharing and oh yeah we talk about corona. ","date_published":"2020-06-12T08:15:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/90bd912a-abf3-4b9a-88dd-e55cc2ad938f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":41856796,"duration_in_seconds":2685}]},{"id":"59780295-92ef-44fc-b428-a5b5cd1837ae","title":"61: Recap","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/61","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit are going through some of either old episodes. They are talking about guests they've had one, topics they've covered, the hardest episodes to record, and the funniest. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit are going through some of either old episodes. They are talking about guests they\u0026#39;ve had one, topics they\u0026#39;ve covered, the hardest episodes to record, and the funniest. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Are you new? Have you been here for a while? We are recapping our old episodes, what we liked about them, what was funny, what episodes were the hardest to record, and some of the guests we've had on. ","date_published":"2020-05-29T08:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/59780295-92ef-44fc-b428-a5b5cd1837ae.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":43824907,"duration_in_seconds":2822}]},{"id":"37fe8188-f6e1-4c48-a002-f1f0e84d0d66","title":"60: Married to a Drug Addict Part 2","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/60","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit are back with Dani Pond and she is telling the rest of her husband's story of addiction and the emotions of standing by an addict. Special Guest: Dani Pond.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit are back with Dani Pond and she is telling the rest of her husband\u0026#39;s story of addiction and the emotions of standing by an addict. \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Dani Pond.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Dani is back this week telling the rest of her story about her husband's addiction to prescription drugs and the emotions of being the care taker. ","date_published":"2020-05-22T08:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/37fe8188-f6e1-4c48-a002-f1f0e84d0d66.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":64181025,"duration_in_seconds":4049}]},{"id":"7ec9370a-b2bd-448c-a7ce-7dd2359d6b62","title":"59: Married to a Drug Addict","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/59","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit have guest Dani Pond on. She's telling the story of how her husband became addiction to prescritopn drugs. How it started over a common issue and turned in to full blown addiction. Dani is telling her side of what it's like when a loved one becomes addicted. Special Guest: Dani Pond.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit have guest Dani Pond on. She\u0026#39;s telling the story of how her husband became addiction to prescritopn drugs. How it started over a common issue and turned in to full blown addiction. Dani is telling her side of what it\u0026#39;s like when a loved one becomes addicted. \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Dani Pond.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Dani is on talking about her husband's addiction to prescription medication. How it happened and the emotional roller coaster of being loving an addict. ","date_published":"2020-05-15T08:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/7ec9370a-b2bd-448c-a7ce-7dd2359d6b62.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":61274287,"duration_in_seconds":3809}]},{"id":"7ebf983e-e601-4b9b-ab8b-3339cb345fdc","title":"58: Mother's Day Mayham","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/58","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit are taking about motherhood in quarantine. The pro's the con's, how homeschool sucks, etc. Their talking about Mother's Day and want they would like. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit are taking about motherhood in quarantine. The pro\u0026#39;s the con\u0026#39;s, how homeschool sucks, etc. Their talking about Mother\u0026#39;s Day and want they would like. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Brit and Whit are talking all things Motherhood and what they want out of this quarantined Mother's Day.","date_published":"2020-05-08T08:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/7ebf983e-e601-4b9b-ab8b-3339cb345fdc.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":43805990,"duration_in_seconds":2798}]},{"id":"accbeac8-216d-4a42-9a4c-391d6b3ec3fa","title":"57: Q\u0026A: 2 Girls 1 Cup...of Questions VII","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/57","content_text":"Brit and Whit are at it again with random questions they pull from a cup. Want to know what Food the girls dream about or what makes them feel comfortable during sex? Listen in to hear the answers. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eBrit and Whit are at it again with random questions they pull from a cup. Want to know what Food the girls dream about or what makes them feel comfortable during sex? Listen in to hear the answers. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"More random questions Brit and Whit pull from a cup. ","date_published":"2020-04-17T12:45:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/accbeac8-216d-4a42-9a4c-391d6b3ec3fa.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37279804,"duration_in_seconds":2436}]},{"id":"a3d4bf49-5386-47da-9326-59f7a31ef537","title":"56: Adult Friendships","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/56","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit are talking about finding friends as an adult. Frienships require maintenance and at the end of the day, sometimes we all want to take our bra's off and stay home but it's always worth going out. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit are talking about finding friends as an adult. Frienships require maintenance and at the end of the day, sometimes we all want to take our bra\u0026#39;s off and stay home but it\u0026#39;s always worth going out. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Are you a good friend? Do you have a hard time forming friendships now that you're an adult? Brit and Whit are talking about why it's hard to maintain friendships as an adult and all the ins and outs of being a good friend. ","date_published":"2020-04-10T08:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/a3d4bf49-5386-47da-9326-59f7a31ef537.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":46250991,"duration_in_seconds":3017}]},{"id":"dafbb9ed-99c6-4fda-8e16-fc9ed1934e60","title":"55: Pandemic Life","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/55","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit are talking about how things have gone for them since the quarantine started here in Utah. From empty grocery stores, home schooling, judgy stay at home posts, and still fitting in slef care. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit are talking about how things have gone for them since the quarantine started here in Utah. From empty grocery stores, home schooling, judgy stay at home posts, and still fitting in slef care. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We're talking all things Covid-19. From eerie empty grocery shelves to homeschooling we're talking about how our lives have changed since quarantining started. ","date_published":"2020-04-03T08:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/dafbb9ed-99c6-4fda-8e16-fc9ed1934e60.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":66160607,"duration_in_seconds":4301}]},{"id":"7c1a8c73-a900-4e9b-a28f-f1c0f71a48e9","title":"54: Brit shuts Down Disneyland","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/54","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit talk about Brit's trip to Disneyland. Brit talks about spending tons of money on food and autograph books, getting sick, and driving home to find that the grocery stores are empty and the world is ending. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit talk about Brit\u0026#39;s trip to Disneyland. Brit talks about spending tons of money on food and autograph books, getting sick, and driving home to find that the grocery stores are empty and the world is ending. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Brit talks about her trip to Disneyland right before the Cornoavirus shuts it down. She talks about getting sick at Disneyland, spending tons of money, and having the time of their life only to have pandemonium hit. ","date_published":"2020-03-27T08:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/7c1a8c73-a900-4e9b-a28f-f1c0f71a48e9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":47477592,"duration_in_seconds":2976}]},{"id":"9d295c54-c631-4071-b713-f63452e2cef2","title":"53: Let's Talk About Sex","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/53","content_text":"This week Brit is out of town so Whit is talking to Brad Curry, and Justin about sex. The topic ranges from what thier sex education was growing up and what they want it to be with their kids now. Special Guests: Bradley DeMass, Curry Jones, and Justin Hamilton.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit is out of town so Whit is talking to Brad Curry, and Justin about sex. The topic ranges from what thier sex education was growing up and what they want it to be with their kids now. \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guests: Bradley DeMass, Curry Jones, and Justin Hamilton.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Whit talks to Brad, Curry, and Justin about how to talk to your kids about sex. They discuss whether everyone got the birds and the bees talk, and what they want their kids to know about sex. ","date_published":"2020-03-13T08:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/9d295c54-c631-4071-b713-f63452e2cef2.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":79300334,"duration_in_seconds":5083}]},{"id":"02df76d0-c5ce-41e8-bdfd-914e96eb42b3","title":"52: 2 Girls 1 Cup...of Questions VI","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/52","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit ask each other more random questions, this time they are taking to the internet to find more random questions. Get to know more about the girls earliest childhood memories, favorite products, and if they would rather be buired or cremated. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit ask each other more random questions, this time they are taking to the internet to find more random questions. Get to know more about the girls earliest childhood memories, favorite products, and if they would rather be buired or cremated. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Cup of Questions is back and we're taking to the internet to find more random questions. Ever wonder what our favorite can't live with out it products are or an early childhood memory? Listen in for answers to all the weirdest questions.","date_published":"2020-03-06T08:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/02df76d0-c5ce-41e8-bdfd-914e96eb42b3.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":32752887,"duration_in_seconds":2566}]},{"id":"c99ee649-235c-470a-ad4a-58bb9f874b4e","title":"51: Love Against the Law! A Gay Man’s Journey Part 3","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/51","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit has Justin and Curry back to talk about the struggles of gay marriage. How Justin had to sleep at a neighbors for 6 months, finding a place to live in a super conservative county, and how they decided to use a surrogate to grow their family. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit has Justin and Curry back to talk about the struggles of gay marriage. How Justin had to sleep at a neighbors for 6 months, finding a place to live in a super conservative county, and how they decided to use a surrogate to grow their family. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Justin and Curry are back and they are talking about the struggles of gay marriage back when the state wouldn't recognize it, custody battles, and deciding to have a baby together. \r\n\r\n\r\n","date_published":"2020-02-28T09:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/c99ee649-235c-470a-ad4a-58bb9f874b4e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":78838337,"duration_in_seconds":4781}]},{"id":"2c9ae4c6-ba2e-4f07-b27d-80b76ecde0b5","title":"50: Love Languages with the Husband’s","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/50","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit have thier husbands back on the podcast to talk about Love Languages. Do you and your partner have the same love language? Do you struggle to speaking your partners langauge or them speak yours? We talk to the husbands about a time they felt the most loved. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit have thier husbands back on the podcast to talk about Love Languages. Do you and your partner have the same love language? Do you struggle to speaking your partners langauge or them speak yours? We talk to the husbands about a time they felt the most loved. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The Husband's are back! Brad and Mark are in the house to talk about Love Languages. Is your partner able to speak your love language well? Do you have to remind them of your needs? We talk about the ins and outs of feeling love. ","date_published":"2020-02-21T08:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/2c9ae4c6-ba2e-4f07-b27d-80b76ecde0b5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":62825045,"duration_in_seconds":3725}]},{"id":"68f05ccd-70f8-4a33-bc25-af59eceffbe5","title":"49: Molly Tries at Love","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/49","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit have on guest Molly Chinnock from the instagram account Molly_Tries talking about dating and love. Molly lets us in on the secret to finding a good guy, how to live your best life, and even some binus content of how to run your Instagram. Special Guest: Molly Chinnock.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit have on guest Molly Chinnock from the instagram account Molly_Tries talking about dating and love. Molly lets us in on the secret to finding a good guy, how to live your best life, and even some binus content of how to run your Instagram. \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Molly Chinnock.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Guest, Molly is on the podcast talking about dating life and finding Mr. Handsome. Molly tells us how to vision board the perfect partner and how to Instagram your whole life. You must tune into Molly's Instagram to find out where Mr. Handsome is taking her for Valentine's Day. ","date_published":"2020-02-14T08:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/68f05ccd-70f8-4a33-bc25-af59eceffbe5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":49037429,"duration_in_seconds":3241}]},{"id":"e395112c-f3b5-4af9-aadb-f0b60d3d8765","title":"48: Dirty Deed LIVE","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/48","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit went LIVE on IG to discuss all the sex questions our listeners wrote in about. The girls anwer questions, give suggestions and let the LIVE audience have their say. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit went LIVE on IG to discuss all the sex questions our listeners wrote in about. The girls anwer questions, give suggestions and let the LIVE audience have their say. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"A LIVE recording of Brit and Whit discussing sex topics asked by listeners. ","date_published":"2020-02-07T08:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/e395112c-f3b5-4af9-aadb-f0b60d3d8765.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":43222976,"duration_in_seconds":3048}]},{"id":"d9f184bf-db2e-41e2-9fd4-cb8c35c11924","title":"47: Dating After Divorce","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/47","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit tackle the hard questions of dating after divorce: How do you date after divorce when you have kids? When do you introduce your kids to the person you're dating? What if your kids don't like the person you're dating? Brit and Whit give their opinions on it all. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit tackle the hard questions of dating after divorce: How do you date after divorce when you have kids? When do you introduce your kids to the person you\u0026#39;re dating? What if your kids don\u0026#39;t like the person you\u0026#39;re dating? Brit and Whit give their opinions on it all. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"When should you introduce your kids to the person you're dating? We don't know either but we sure do have an opinion about it. ","date_published":"2020-01-31T08:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/d9f184bf-db2e-41e2-9fd4-cb8c35c11924.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":41027594,"duration_in_seconds":2424}]},{"id":"4d0c19cb-6bf2-406f-ad9a-79511eeb769e","title":"46: Curry Uncloseted: A Gay Man’s Journey Part 2","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/46","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit have Justin back on the podcast! Justin brought along his husband Curry to tell his story and how they met. If you don't believe opposites attract then wait till you hear their story. Listen to Curry tell about going on an LDS mission, getting married to a woman, and having kids all while being a closeted gay man. Curry's road to growing up was vastly different than Justin's but in the end they have an amazing story to share. Special Guests: Curry Jones and Justin Hamilton.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit have Justin back on the podcast! Justin brought along his husband Curry to tell his story and how they met. If you don\u0026#39;t believe opposites attract then wait till you hear their story. Listen to Curry tell about going on an LDS mission, getting married to a woman, and having kids all while being a closeted gay man. Curry\u0026#39;s road to growing up was vastly different than Justin\u0026#39;s but in the end they have an amazing story to share. \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guests: Curry Jones and Justin Hamilton.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Justin is back and this time he brought his husband Curry! Curry tells us what life was like for him growing up as a closeted gay man. Justin and Curry talk about how they met and what Curry gave up to have Justin in his life. ","date_published":"2020-01-24T08:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/4d0c19cb-6bf2-406f-ad9a-79511eeb769e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":53386054,"duration_in_seconds":3547}]},{"id":"f53a36ea-378b-4c4e-b3c3-0d12d8400e0d","title":"45: Cruising Through Life","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/45","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit talk about how fast life flyies by. One moment you're waiting for Y2K and the next minute you're in your mid thirties with kids, a spouse, and a mortgage? Sometimes we wish we could jump in our self driving Tesla's and out run life. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit talk about how fast life flyies by. One moment you\u0026#39;re waiting for Y2K and the next minute you\u0026#39;re in your mid thirties with kids, a spouse, and a mortgage? Sometimes we wish we could jump in our self driving Tesla\u0026#39;s and out run life. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Do you ever feel like life is moving too quickly? The kids are growing up so fast or you wonder how in the heck have I been married for so long? Yeah, we feel that way too. ","date_published":"2020-01-17T08:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/f53a36ea-378b-4c4e-b3c3-0d12d8400e0d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":52086305,"duration_in_seconds":3407}]},{"id":"9704dfbc-a4a3-41ba-bd5b-314a622f3296","title":"44: New Years Resolutions...or Not","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/44","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit talk about New Years Resolutions and how much they hate them. Brit is 3 days into her new goal and Whit isn't sure she set any. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit talk about New Years Resolutions and how much they hate them. Brit is 3 days into her new goal and Whit isn\u0026#39;t sure she set any. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"It’s a new year, do you have your resolutions? Brit and Whit aren’t big on resolutions, in fact Brit won't even say the word resolution. ","date_published":"2020-01-10T08:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/9704dfbc-a4a3-41ba-bd5b-314a622f3296.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":33082276,"duration_in_seconds":2082}]},{"id":"2a6d4bab-5607-4bc2-a711-ebc1489600dd","title":"43: A Gay Man’s Journey to Authenticity ","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/43","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit interview guest Justin Hamilton about growing up gay in a small town. How he hid his true identity through his youth and how he came out to his family while serving an LDS mission. Special Guest: Justin Hamilton.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit interview guest Justin Hamilton about growing up gay in a small town. How he hid his true identity through his youth and how he came out to his family while serving an LDS mission. \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Justin Hamilton.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Guest Justin Hamilton talks about growing up as an LGBTQ Youth, what trails he faced, and how religion played a role in all of it. ","date_published":"2020-01-03T08:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/2a6d4bab-5607-4bc2-a711-ebc1489600dd.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":77500278,"duration_in_seconds":4830}]},{"id":"f5bdd132-7161-41b8-b13e-43d3a569873e","title":"42: Bad Santa","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/42","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit are talking worst christmas presents they and some of thier listeners have received. Have you ever recieved 24 lotions or a toilet seat with a horse on it? If not, you've got to hear these stories. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit are talking worst christmas presents they and some of thier listeners have received. Have you ever recieved 24 lotions or a toilet seat with a horse on it? If not, you\u0026#39;ve got to hear these stories. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Ever received a terrible Christmas gift? The girls are taking about the worst gifts they and some of their listeners have received. ","date_published":"2019-12-20T08:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/f5bdd132-7161-41b8-b13e-43d3a569873e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":37507303,"duration_in_seconds":2341}]},{"id":"ee59be40-1978-466c-b715-cd8f5f8b7cd9","title":"41: Merry Chrotch-mas LIVE","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/41","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit did a LIVE episode from Brit's car to record an episode all about Christmas. The girls talk about how hard buying gifts for everyone can be, the general let down of receiving gifts, their favorite traditions, why Brit was afraid of Santa Claus as child, and how Whit's childhood memory of Santa is with a hole in his crotch. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit did a LIVE episode from Brit\u0026#39;s car to record an episode all about Christmas. The girls talk about how hard buying gifts for everyone can be, the general let down of receiving gifts, their favorite traditions, why Brit was afraid of Santa Claus as child, and how Whit\u0026#39;s childhood memory of Santa is with a hole in his crotch. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"A LIVE recording from Brit's car, the girls are talking all things Christmas. From gift giving and expectations, to traditions and Santa with a hole in his pants. ","date_published":"2019-12-13T08:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/ee59be40-1978-466c-b715-cd8f5f8b7cd9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":51726837,"duration_in_seconds":3442}]},{"id":"0e052a92-b105-4346-a23e-588d33a1d42f","title":"40: Jesus Knows The Holiday Co Girls","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/40","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit have Kylee and Britttney from The Holiday Co Shop talking about how they got started, what it's like running a business, and the sacrfices and hardships both have gone through to achieve their dreams. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit have Kylee and Britttney from The Holiday Co Shop talking about how they got started, what it\u0026#39;s like running a business, and the sacrfices and hardships both have gone through to achieve their dreams. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Kylee and Brittney from The Holiday Co Shop are on talking about how they came up with their amazing business of spreading Christmas magic. Their holiday boxes are truly amazing and their story is even better. So grab a sandwich cookie cutter, a lunch note, and join us for some rainbows and unicorns. ","date_published":"2019-12-06T08:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/0e052a92-b105-4346-a23e-588d33a1d42f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":47085860,"duration_in_seconds":3162}]},{"id":"8c51589b-b3b0-42a3-a9da-4e277debb631","title":"39: The Attitude of Gratitude","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/39","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit bring back guest Sean Romero who talks all about how to be grateful for what we have. They discuss why kids never seem grateful for anything, why trials in life can make us better people, and we find out why Brit is so grateful for the show The Goldbergs. Special Guest: Sean Romero.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit bring back guest Sean Romero who talks all about how to be grateful for what we have. They discuss why kids never seem grateful for anything, why trials in life can make us better people, and we find out why Brit is so grateful for the show The Goldbergs. \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Sean Romero.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Sean Romero is back with Brit and Whit talking about gratitude. Why aren't kids grateful for anything, how to be in a blessings mindset, and why Brit is so grateful for the show The Goldbergs. \r\n","date_published":"2019-11-22T08:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/8c51589b-b3b0-42a3-a9da-4e277debb631.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":45730583,"duration_in_seconds":2812}]},{"id":"3cf47635-1f48-4b62-a04d-cc2597431f55","title":"38: 2 Girls 1 Cup of Questions LIVE!","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/38","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit record a Q \u0026amp; A LIVE with audience participation! ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit record a Q \u0026amp; A LIVE with audience participation! \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Brit and Whit go LIVE to answer random questions they pull from a cup. ","date_published":"2019-11-15T08:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/3cf47635-1f48-4b62-a04d-cc2597431f55.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":56780775,"duration_in_seconds":3481}]},{"id":"d3bb71c3-c291-4316-bc72-20b424f68bbd","title":"37: What is this feeling?","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/37","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit talk about different types of jealousy. Brit takes about left boob envy and Whit is jealous of anyone who goes on vacation. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit talk about different types of jealousy. Brit takes about left boob envy and Whit is jealous of anyone who goes on vacation. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"We all get jealous from time to time right? There are different kinds of jealousy and reasons behind each one. Brit and Whit share what makes them the most jealous. ","date_published":"2019-11-08T08:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/d3bb71c3-c291-4316-bc72-20b424f68bbd.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":27539870,"duration_in_seconds":1822}]},{"id":"ee6b7aec-c2f3-4731-974d-e6118307e8fc","title":"36: Working vs Staying Home","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/36","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit discuss the pros and cons of working or staying home full time with kids and how each choice comes with guilt. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit discuss the pros and cons of working or staying home full time with kids and how each choice comes with guilt. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Should you work or stay home raising kids? Each options has it's pros and cons but all options come with guilt. We discuss the choices we've made and why. ","date_published":"2019-11-01T08:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/ee6b7aec-c2f3-4731-974d-e6118307e8fc.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":31196028,"duration_in_seconds":2155}]},{"id":"34eeba0f-32ee-418f-8fdb-dd3622c5fcd0","title":"35: The Slutty Nurses Costume","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/35","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit are talking about all things Halloween. It's Whit's favorite holiday and Brit doesn't mind it as long as no one scares her. Teh girls talk about trick or treating, Brits worst halloween, their favorite costumes, and why you should think twice before picking that slutty costume. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit are talking about all things Halloween. It\u0026#39;s Whit\u0026#39;s favorite holiday and Brit doesn\u0026#39;t mind it as long as no one scares her. Teh girls talk about trick or treating, Brits worst halloween, their favorite costumes, and why you should think twice before picking that slutty costume. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Brit and Whit are talking all things Halloween this week. With throw backs to their favorite and worst costumes, stealing their kids halloween candy, and why you should think twice about dressing as a slutty nurse. ","date_published":"2019-10-25T08:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/34eeba0f-32ee-418f-8fdb-dd3622c5fcd0.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":45429907,"duration_in_seconds":2740}]},{"id":"f10da2ac-c34f-43f4-a9a2-86dd3ff299e0","title":"34: That’s What He Said with Dennis Gable","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/34","content_text":"*Language Warning: This week Brit and Whit, along with thier guest Dennis Gable, discuss the different ways men and women think about daily life. Dennis gives us insight into how a man thinks and how you may be able to get your man to help out more. Special Guest: Dennis Gable.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003e*Language Warning: This week Brit and Whit, along with thier guest Dennis Gable, discuss the different ways men and women think about daily life. Dennis gives us insight into how a man thinks and how you may be able to get your man to help out more. \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Dennis Gable.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"*Language Warning: Dennis Gable joins Brit and Whit to talk about the differences in how men and women think. Do you want to know why your husband seemingly can't hear the kids when they are screaming and you're running around with your head cut off? Dennis gives us the answer to this and many other questions we've all wondered. ","date_published":"2019-10-11T08:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/f10da2ac-c34f-43f4-a9a2-86dd3ff299e0.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":89371512,"duration_in_seconds":5283}]},{"id":"290d7647-7592-4a93-9354-f95674783572","title":"33: Real Sh*t Girls Google","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/33","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit and their 2 lovely guests, J and Lindsay, read off listeners submissions of werid things they've googled. We find out it's possible to be sexually attracted to numbers and why we sometimes need the Urband Dictionary. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit and their 2 lovely guests, J and Lindsay, read off listeners submissions of werid things they\u0026#39;ve googled. We find out it\u0026#39;s possible to be sexually attracted to numbers and why we sometimes need the Urband Dictionary. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Brit and Whit and 2 lovely guests read off the listeners submissions of what weird things they have googled. ","date_published":"2019-09-27T08:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/290d7647-7592-4a93-9354-f95674783572.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":43199342,"duration_in_seconds":3127}]},{"id":"b0d31a89-8328-4d9e-a7c1-14f284927134","title":"32: Tricia's Battle with Anorexia","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/32","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit interview Tricia from the instagram handle Burpees and Burp Clothes. Tricia recounts her battle with anorexia and how she was finally able to overcome it and get healthy. Special Guest: Tricia D.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit interview Tricia from the instagram handle Burpees and Burp Clothes. Tricia recounts her battle with anorexia and how she was finally able to overcome it and get healthy. \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Tricia D.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Tricia shares her story of her long battle with anorexia. How she was finally able to overcome it and rise to become an inspirational fitness coach. ","date_published":"2019-09-20T09:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/b0d31a89-8328-4d9e-a7c1-14f284927134.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":49008135,"duration_in_seconds":3171}]},{"id":"968c416d-d588-419a-8768-99aa4dc920de","title":"31: 2 Girls 1 Cup...of Questions IV","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/31","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit are back at it, pulling random questions from a cup to ask each other. find out what happens in movie theaters and what super heros the girls think at hot. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit are back at it, pulling random questions from a cup to ask each other. find out what happens in movie theaters and what super heros the girls think at hot. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The cup is back! Get to know Brit and Whit better in the random questions they pull out of a cup. ","date_published":"2019-09-13T08:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/968c416d-d588-419a-8768-99aa4dc920de.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":41341393,"duration_in_seconds":2935}]},{"id":"1fd71834-7db4-4a22-89df-cd33023197f0","title":"30: Back to School Drama ","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/30","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit talk about the drama of getting kids back to school. Brit tells a story about losing her sh*t is a popular clothing store and Whit talks about not being able to do 4th grade math. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit talk about the drama of getting kids back to school. Brit tells a story about losing her sh*t is a popular clothing store and Whit talks about not being able to do 4th grade math. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The kids have gone back to school but the amount of time and effort it takes to get them ready is a joke. Brit tells a story about losing her sh*t is a popular clothing store and Whit talks about not being able to do 4th grade math. ","date_published":"2019-09-06T08:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/1fd71834-7db4-4a22-89df-cd33023197f0.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":71863849,"duration_in_seconds":3133}]},{"id":"9384b892-704d-4e8f-b9da-da7ff620f672","title":"29: Sara's Infertility Story","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/29","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit talk to Sara from Stepping Forward Podcast and Step Up Mentoring. Sara shares her journey with infertility and give's the girls some great advice on lessons we all need to learn. Special Guest: Sara Susov.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit talk to Sara from Stepping Forward Podcast and Step Up Mentoring. Sara shares her journey with infertility and give\u0026#39;s the girls some great advice on lessons we all need to learn. \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Sara Susov.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Sara from Stepping Forward Podcast joined Brit and Whit to talk about her journey with infertility and how not all journey's have the ending you want. ","date_published":"2019-08-30T09:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/9384b892-704d-4e8f-b9da-da7ff620f672.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":31001572,"duration_in_seconds":2054}]},{"id":"25f84314-d351-4277-a5f1-7f7a476953cb","title":"28: Amy's Adoption Adventure","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/28","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit interview Amy about what it's like trying to adopt a child. Amy talks about how her and her husband came to that decision and what the process is of getting a child through adoption. There are many ups and downs to Amy's story you don't want to miss but bring a tissue. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit interview Amy about what it\u0026#39;s like trying to adopt a child. Amy talks about how her and her husband came to that decision and what the process is of getting a child through adoption. There are many ups and downs to Amy\u0026#39;s story you don\u0026#39;t want to miss but bring a tissue. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Amy tells us all about her adventure in adopting her son. ","date_published":"2019-08-23T09:45:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/25f84314-d351-4277-a5f1-7f7a476953cb.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":64910710,"duration_in_seconds":4523}]},{"id":"9393f097-a72b-4ba1-a55b-dbaa348ac2e5","title":"27: Candice's Infertility Journey","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/27","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit sit down and talk to Whit's good friend Candice. Candice has struggled with infertitly for 15+ years. She tells us about her heart breaking path she went down to come out with 3 beautiful toddlers. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit sit down and talk to Whit\u0026#39;s good friend Candice. Candice has struggled with infertitly for 15+ years. She tells us about her heart breaking path she went down to come out with 3 beautiful toddlers. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Brit and Whit talk to Candice about her journey with infertility. Candice talks about the emotional and financial toll it can take on a marraige ","date_published":"2019-08-16T08:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/9393f097-a72b-4ba1-a55b-dbaa348ac2e5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":73943188,"duration_in_seconds":4824}]},{"id":"423597fa-3b28-4b6c-8aff-85c8a54876ea","title":"26: Modern Mom Probs Interview","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/26","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit interviewed Tara from Modern Mom Probs. She tells us how she got started, how she comes up with her mems, and shares how she's been mom shamed. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit interviewed Tara from Modern Mom Probs. She tells us how she got started, how she comes up with her mems, and shares how she\u0026#39;s been mom shamed. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Tara from Modern Mom Probs is on the podcast today telling us how she got started, what parenting is like in NYC, and what makes a good meme.","date_published":"2019-08-09T13:15:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/423597fa-3b28-4b6c-8aff-85c8a54876ea.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":39089298,"duration_in_seconds":2453}]},{"id":"1e805b8e-0086-46ff-ab48-54e81be25152","title":"25: Brit's Strange Addiction","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/25","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit talk about kids always being bored no matter what you've already done with them. Brit let's us in on a new weird addiction she has. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit talk about kids always being bored no matter what you\u0026#39;ve already done with them. Brit let\u0026#39;s us in on a new weird addiction she has. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The girls talk about how summer is going and how kids are always bored no matter what you have down for them. Britt also let's us in on a new addiction she has. ","date_published":"2019-08-02T09:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/1e805b8e-0086-46ff-ab48-54e81be25152.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37655821,"duration_in_seconds":2518}]},{"id":"5df18eb4-486d-4c89-b9e4-f958eafac6fa","title":"24: Q\u0026A: 2 Girls 1 Cup...of Question Round 3","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/24","content_text":"Brit and Whit are throwing out more random stuff about themselves by pulling questions from a cup again. We find out Brit can't live without a chocolate and possibly her vibrator and Whitney wishes dance halls where still a thing. Both girls ideas of a perfect day is to not make any desisions at all. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eBrit and Whit are throwing out more random stuff about themselves by pulling questions from a cup again. We find out Brit can\u0026#39;t live without a chocolate and possibly her vibrator and Whitney wishes dance halls where still a thing. Both girls ideas of a perfect day is to not make any desisions at all. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Brit and Whit are back at it answering random questions they pull out of a cup","date_published":"2019-07-12T08:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/5df18eb4-486d-4c89-b9e4-f958eafac6fa.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":34979449,"duration_in_seconds":2380}]},{"id":"60dfc877-1a4e-42f4-a413-cdd0046e8f9a","title":"23: Real Sh*t with Mark and Brad: Husbands Interview","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/23","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit interview their husbands, Mark and Brad, about what it's like being in a blended family. Mark talks about not allowing kids to fart in the car and Brad talks about how he can't figure out how to praise kids. We find out both Brit and Whit will not flush a toliet in the middle of the night in case it wakes up a kid.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit interview their husbands, Mark and Brad, about what it\u0026#39;s like being in a blended family. Mark talks about not allowing kids to fart in the car and Brad talks about how he can\u0026#39;t figure out how to praise kids. We find out both Brit and Whit will not flush a toliet in the middle of the night in case it wakes up a kid.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Brit and Whit interview their husbands about what it's like to be step dads and in a blended family.","date_published":"2019-07-05T09:45:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/60dfc877-1a4e-42f4-a413-cdd0046e8f9a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":54316662,"duration_in_seconds":3747}]},{"id":"939a81ed-e0b5-48cb-b447-d100dca0219a","title":"22: Wicked Stepmom Interview","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/22","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit interview Heather from Wicked.Stepmom. Heather talks about stepping into the roll of motherhood by taking on 2 Step-kids. Heather is so funny and honest about how hard being a stepmom really is. She went from being career driven #idontneedaman to being a wife and mom all at once. Special Guest: Heather Stewart.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit interview Heather from Wicked.Stepmom. Heather talks about stepping into the roll of motherhood by taking on 2 Step-kids. Heather is so funny and honest about how hard being a stepmom really is. She went from being career driven #idontneedaman to being a wife and mom all at once. \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Heather Stewart.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Brit and Whit interview Heather from Wicked.Stepmom. Heather is so honest and funny about her journey into motherhood. ","date_published":"2019-06-28T09:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/939a81ed-e0b5-48cb-b447-d100dca0219a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":48384707,"duration_in_seconds":3114}]},{"id":"a910409d-3275-4688-9d36-4bc594ccdc3b","title":"21: Kid Interviews: Blended Family Style","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/21","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit interviewed their oldest kids abouth what it's like being in a blended family. They asked them questions that you listeners wrote in about. So many giggles, tangents, and honesty in the episode. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit interviewed their oldest kids abouth what it\u0026#39;s like being in a blended family. They asked them questions that you listeners wrote in about. So many giggles, tangents, and honesty in the episode. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Brit and Whit interview their older kids about what it's like being in a blended family. ","date_published":"2019-06-21T11:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/a910409d-3275-4688-9d36-4bc594ccdc3b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":29616221,"duration_in_seconds":1945}]},{"id":"339d5f31-a29c-4104-9b02-667c946ec754","title":"20: All Our Ex's Live in Utah","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/20","content_text":"In this Episode Brit and Whit talk about what it's like to deal with Ex's. How sometimes the choices made for your kids by another parent is beyond your controll and it's frustrating. Whit talks about how things with her Ex were hard in the beginning but they're in a good place now. Brit talks about the struggles dealing wih all 3 of the Ex's in her families lives. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this Episode Brit and Whit talk about what it\u0026#39;s like to deal with Ex\u0026#39;s. How sometimes the choices made for your kids by another parent is beyond your controll and it\u0026#39;s frustrating. Whit talks about how things with her Ex were hard in the beginning but they\u0026#39;re in a good place now. Brit talks about the struggles dealing wih all 3 of the Ex\u0026#39;s in her families lives. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Brit and Whit discuss what it's like having an Ex. ","date_published":"2019-06-14T08:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/339d5f31-a29c-4104-9b02-667c946ec754.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":46015366,"duration_in_seconds":3102}]},{"id":"682455f5-d6e4-41c6-907d-f52d790e36db","title":"19: Blended Love","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/19","content_text":"In this episode Brit and Whit talk about the issues they've run into with having a blended family. Whit talks about how her oldest daughter has had to learn that there is more than enough love to go around. Brit talks about feeling the need to have a child with her husband that would \"glue\" the family together. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this episode Brit and Whit talk about the issues they\u0026#39;ve run into with having a blended family. Whit talks about how her oldest daughter has had to learn that there is more than enough love to go around. Brit talks about feeling the need to have a child with her husband that would \u0026quot;glue\u0026quot; the family together. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Brit and Whit talk about the issues they've run into with having a blended family. ","date_published":"2019-06-07T08:45:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/682455f5-d6e4-41c6-907d-f52d790e36db.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":44650438,"duration_in_seconds":3076}]},{"id":"0cde3327-aacd-469f-93ed-eea175e2a2fe","title":"18: The Mental Battle","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/18","content_text":"In this epsiode Brit and Whit talk about mental health. Brit opens up about how her past has caused her PTSD and how it's still effecting her today. Brit talks about how exhausting mental battles are and how she's ready to make a change and seek help. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this epsiode Brit and Whit talk about mental health. Brit opens up about how her past has caused her PTSD and how it\u0026#39;s still effecting her today. Brit talks about how exhausting mental battles are and how she\u0026#39;s ready to make a change and seek help. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Brit and Whit talk about mental health","date_published":"2019-05-24T09:30:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/0cde3327-aacd-469f-93ed-eea175e2a2fe.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":64943261,"duration_in_seconds":4339}]},{"id":"fa4a57b3-5397-4c3f-8dd8-8409a8346e5e","title":"17: She Got Low... with Her Expectations ","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/17","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit talk about how sometimes Mother's Day is a huge disappointment. Whit shares her first Mother's Day let down and Brit talks about waiting all day for the one thing she asked for this year. The girls also discuss random events from the week. Did any of Brit's kids end up sick on vacation? ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit talk about how sometimes Mother\u0026#39;s Day is a huge disappointment. Whit shares her first Mother\u0026#39;s Day let down and Brit talks about waiting all day for the one thing she asked for this year. The girls also discuss random events from the week. Did any of Brit\u0026#39;s kids end up sick on vacation? \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Brit and Whit discuss Mother's Day let downs, Lowering expectations, and random things from the week.","date_published":"2019-05-17T08:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/fa4a57b3-5397-4c3f-8dd8-8409a8346e5e.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":45679185,"duration_in_seconds":3229}]},{"id":"c183d25f-1f84-435b-92fe-d42abc4f8adb","title":"16: 2 Girls 1 Cup...of Questions Take 2","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/16","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit go back to asking each other random questions they pulled out of a cup. Whit talkes about her love for books and dirty talk and Brit talks about her new found job as an austrailian phone sex operater named Alice. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit go back to asking each other random questions they pulled out of a cup. Whit talkes about her love for books and dirty talk and Brit talks about her new found job as an austrailian phone sex operater named Alice. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Brit and Whit are back at it answering random questions they pull out of a cup","date_published":"2019-05-10T08:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/c183d25f-1f84-435b-92fe-d42abc4f8adb.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":53531976,"duration_in_seconds":2377}]},{"id":"2815fea0-0fef-4579-9d38-3f211c076784","title":"15: Barfing Up Emotions","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/15","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit talk about how run down we get sometimes. Brit talks about her son throwing up all day long and how that lead to a downward spiral of emotions. Whit talkes about how all the little things add up to an emotional melt down that may seem out of the blue. The girls get real about how crazy life is sometimes. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit talk about how run down we get sometimes. Brit talks about her son throwing up all day long and how that lead to a downward spiral of emotions. Whit talkes about how all the little things add up to an emotional melt down that may seem out of the blue. The girls get real about how crazy life is sometimes. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Brit and Whit get real about how hard and run down life can be sometimes. ","date_published":"2019-05-03T08:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/2815fea0-0fef-4579-9d38-3f211c076784.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":26260771,"duration_in_seconds":2114}]},{"id":"12338d9a-d9d5-46c9-a572-bb836ae8a5d1","title":"14: Fight Stories: Garage Door Wars","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/14","content_text":"In this episode Brit and Whit talk about fighting with your significant other. Brit tells how hilariously awesome her fights are with her husband and tells a story about not letting her husband get out of the garage. Whit and Brit read off other peoples fight stories. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this episode Brit and Whit talk about fighting with your significant other. Brit tells how hilariously awesome her fights are with her husband and tells a story about not letting her husband get out of the garage. Whit and Brit read off other peoples fight stories. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"What's your fighting style. Everyone fights with their significant other and today we read other people's fight stories.","date_published":"2019-04-26T08:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/12338d9a-d9d5-46c9-a572-bb836ae8a5d1.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":60650679,"duration_in_seconds":3744}]},{"id":"0bc6c386-af98-441e-b248-6e93793a28bb","title":"13: Sometimes Kids Are Dicks Interview ","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/13","content_text":"This week Brit and Whit welcome Sarah Dunlop from \"Sometimes Kids Are Dicks\" on the show. This F-Bomb dropping, real life talking, boy mom Michigan blogger will keep you laughing. The girls talk about what it's like being a boy mom vs a girl mom, hilarious stories of raising kids, and the heartaches parents have when we mess up. Special Guest: Sarah Dunlop.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eThis week Brit and Whit welcome Sarah Dunlop from \u0026quot;Sometimes Kids Are Dicks\u0026quot; on the show. This F-Bomb dropping, real life talking, boy mom Michigan blogger will keep you laughing. The girls talk about what it\u0026#39;s like being a boy mom vs a girl mom, hilarious stories of raising kids, and the heartaches parents have when we mess up. \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Sarah Dunlop.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Sarah Dunlop from \"Sometimes Kids Are Dicks\" joins Whit and Brit. They talk about parenthood and funny kid stories. ","date_published":"2019-04-19T08:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/0bc6c386-af98-441e-b248-6e93793a28bb.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":45574277,"duration_in_seconds":2835}]},{"id":"f7c0f32d-7689-4da2-a973-78040b6c77ec","title":"12: Q\u0026A: 2 Girls 1 Cup...of Questions","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/12","content_text":"In this Episode Brit and Whit ask each other random questions they pull out of a cup. Brit learns that Whit hates milk and Whit learns that Brit can milk a teat. We also learn who the girls would have liked to have met in history and what color underwear their husbands wear. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this Episode Brit and Whit ask each other random questions they pull out of a cup. Brit learns that Whit hates milk and Whit learns that Brit can milk a teat. We also learn who the girls would have liked to have met in history and what color underwear their husbands wear. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Brit and whit ask each other random questions they got from the internet ","date_published":"2019-04-12T08:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/f7c0f32d-7689-4da2-a973-78040b6c77ec.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":44515601,"duration_in_seconds":2659}]},{"id":"5aa16377-92fd-4072-b42d-a14433c37dec","title":"11: The Aftermath: with the Inspirational Jersey Stalker","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/11","content_text":"In this episode Brit and Whit, along with their guest Sean from Faithfully Led, discuss moving on after a relationship ends. Being single again, dating as a single parent, finding yourself again and, overcoming the anxiety and depression and how to move forward in a positive light.Special Guest: Sean Romero.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this episode Brit and Whit, along with their guest Sean from Faithfully Led, discuss moving on after a relationship ends. Being single again, dating as a single parent, finding yourself again and, overcoming the anxiety and depression and how to move forward in a positive light.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSpecial Guest: Sean Romero.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"How to move forward after your relationship ends. What's it like dating as a single parent, and what the heck is OODA Loop and how can it help","date_published":"2019-04-05T11:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/5aa16377-92fd-4072-b42d-a14433c37dec.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":69435220,"duration_in_seconds":3779}]},{"id":"b59b0703-e4ea-49c0-859c-9d355137716f","title":"10: Lawyer Up, It’s Going Down","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/10","content_text":"In this episode Brit and Whit have thier first guest on the Show. Scott walks us through the emotions of being on the other side of an affair and the process he's going through right now as his marriage comes to a end. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this episode Brit and Whit have thier first guest on the Show. Scott walks us through the emotions of being on the other side of an affair and the process he\u0026#39;s going through right now as his marriage comes to a end. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The process of going through a divorce. The bad, the ugly, the unknown","date_published":"2019-03-29T08:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/b59b0703-e4ea-49c0-859c-9d355137716f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":68965006,"duration_in_seconds":4040}]},{"id":"cf94d3ed-8e30-49b9-b659-1b9c040af95b","title":"9: The Affair","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/9","content_text":"In this episode Brit and Whit talk about how relationships get to the point of a divorce. Whit opens up about her affair and what pushed her to that point. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this episode Brit and Whit talk about how relationships get to the point of a divorce. Whit opens up about her affair and what pushed her to that point. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Divorce, how do relationships get to that point? Plus, one of the girls open up about an affair. ","date_published":"2019-03-22T08:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/cf94d3ed-8e30-49b9-b659-1b9c040af95b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":84178756,"duration_in_seconds":4983}]},{"id":"aa126c4b-fbf8-43ce-a2b1-b12faeeaf7ab","title":"8: Mom Boners","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/8","content_text":"In this episode Brit and Whit talk about how hormonal they are this week, what gives us mom boners, random stories from our week, and how at least 1 of Brit's kids is not a murderer. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this episode Brit and Whit talk about how hormonal they are this week, what gives us mom boners, random stories from our week, and how at least 1 of Brit\u0026#39;s kids is not a murderer. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Mom's get boners too. Hormones make us witch-y with a capital B. ","date_published":"2019-03-15T08:00:00.000-06:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/aa126c4b-fbf8-43ce-a2b1-b12faeeaf7ab.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":45602403,"duration_in_seconds":2678}]},{"id":"65465109-660a-4ed9-bb12-ddce43179ead","title":"7: My Accidental Sex Tape","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/7","content_text":"In this episode Brit and Whit talk about Whit's sex tape, having the awkward \"talk\" with your kids, the trouble with kids having access to technology so young, and how we all compare ourselves to each other on social media.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this episode Brit and Whit talk about Whit\u0026#39;s sex tape, having the awkward \u0026quot;talk\u0026quot; with your kids, the trouble with kids having access to technology so young, and how we all compare ourselves to each other on social media.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Unknowingly getting filmed while doing the deed. \"Likes\" on social media determine your worth","date_published":"2019-03-08T08:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/65465109-660a-4ed9-bb12-ddce43179ead.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":51776884,"duration_in_seconds":3057}]},{"id":"bb4a5e43-ec4e-43ff-8201-d6d720b20f90","title":"6: Greasy Whore with Daddy Issues","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/6","content_text":"In this episode we talk about the dark side of insecurities. Brit takes us on a journey through some of her darkest moments within her personal struggles with comparisons. Whit talks about her own fears and how we beat ourselves up as women living in a filtered world. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eIn this episode we talk about the dark side of insecurities. Brit takes us on a journey through some of her darkest moments within her personal struggles with comparisons. Whit talks about her own fears and how we beat ourselves up as women living in a filtered world. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The dark side of insecurities and the hellish road comparison takes us done. ","date_published":"2019-03-01T09:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/bb4a5e43-ec4e-43ff-8201-d6d720b20f90.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":69379868,"duration_in_seconds":4122}]},{"id":"0679a981-c2a0-4b9e-be65-23e99f5e3be4","title":"5: Eat a Sandwich you Psycho","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/5","content_text":"On this episode Brit and Whit talk about ungrateful children, how Brit can talk to anyone anywhere and Whit is awkward out in public. How passion in a relationship can run on both ends of the spectrum and how Brit will have left over bottles of lotion until the end of time. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003eOn this episode Brit and Whit talk about ungrateful children, how Brit can talk to anyone anywhere and Whit is awkward out in public. How passion in a relationship can run on both ends of the spectrum and how Brit will have left over bottles of lotion until the end of time. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The difference between men and women when you're fighting. In public, some of us are really friendly and some of us are socially awkward. ","date_published":"2019-03-01T08:45:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/0679a981-c2a0-4b9e-be65-23e99f5e3be4.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":50341917,"duration_in_seconds":2968}]},{"id":"3bf28bfb-87a0-4d85-b7d9-5625535d1f66","title":"4: Respond to My Sext","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/4","content_text":"(Sound gets better in episode 5). In this episode Brit and Whit talk about how the dynamics of realtionships change over time, one minute your having car sex and the next your too tired for anything. When your partner thinks everything is fine but you have 20 insecurites about the relationship. Brit learns what sexting is! ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003e(Sound gets better in episode 5). In this episode Brit and Whit talk about how the dynamics of realtionships change over time, one minute your having car sex and the next your too tired for anything. When your partner thinks everything is fine but you have 20 insecurites about the relationship. Brit learns what sexting is! \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"Relationships will change over time, different love languages, sex lives and managing expectations. ","date_published":"2019-03-01T08:30:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/3bf28bfb-87a0-4d85-b7d9-5625535d1f66.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":46222271,"duration_in_seconds":2742}]},{"id":"1ac8c9ef-56f5-4108-9f42-d2c06b6f902c","title":"3: I'm Starving and You Think You Need a Snack","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/3","content_text":"(Sound gets better in episode 5). In this episode Brit and Whit talk about the annoying amount of work Christmas takes, dog eat dog world of school performances, Costco runs, never eating but being a habachi house worker, love languages, when kindergarters poop on walls, and always being late.","content_html":"\u003cp\u003e(Sound gets better in episode 5). In this episode Brit and Whit talk about the annoying amount of work Christmas takes, dog eat dog world of school performances, Costco runs, never eating but being a habachi house worker, love languages, when kindergarters poop on walls, and always being late.\u003c/p\u003e","summary":"DISCLAIMER- Santa and Elf on the Shelf are talked about in detail. The craziness of Motherhood.","date_published":"2019-03-01T08:15:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/1ac8c9ef-56f5-4108-9f42-d2c06b6f902c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":47834610,"duration_in_seconds":2856}]},{"id":"65bc7683-eee5-4b35-b360-e4797c55a864","title":"2: Strap That Thing In Your Pocket","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/2","content_text":"(Sound gets better in episode 5). In this Episode Brit and Whit talk about if men ever think about anything besides fantasy football, Liking your kids more than 3 minutes after they get home from school, the urges to go through your husbands phone, and the daily struggle between spending time with your kids or watching your show that ended on a cliffhanger. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003e(Sound gets better in episode 5). In this Episode Brit and Whit talk about if men ever think about anything besides fantasy football, Liking your kids more than 3 minutes after they get home from school, the urges to go through your husbands phone, and the daily struggle between spending time with your kids or watching your show that ended on a cliffhanger. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"The daily crap that goes on in our heads.","date_published":"2019-03-01T08:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/65bc7683-eee5-4b35-b360-e4797c55a864.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":30584399,"duration_in_seconds":1834}]},{"id":"c8869131-3a82-43f7-bc73-23ab2ce3d3c4","title":"1: On Paper I Look Like a Hoe","url":"https://britandwhitrs.fireside.fm/1","content_text":"(Sound gets better in episode 5). In this episode Brit and Whit introduce themselves, talk about their backgrounds, and let you know what this podcast is about. ","content_html":"\u003cp\u003e(Sound gets better in episode 5). In this episode Brit and Whit introduce themselves, talk about their backgrounds, and let you know what this podcast is about. \u003c/p\u003e","summary":"A quick intro to get to know Brit and Whit and what they're all about","date_published":"2019-02-28T00:15:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://chtbl.com/track/8442E/aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/095aa388-5698-47fc-b81d-7b6132c6bf65/c8869131-3a82-43f7-bc73-23ab2ce3d3c4.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":12424507,"duration_in_seconds":687}]}]}