About the show
We’re just 2 regular women with crazy shiz running through our minds all day. Come along on this journey with us as we air our dirty laundry and make you feel sane. We're going to laugh, cry, and get real about the topics most people won't discuss out loud. Welcome to our lives!
Real Sh*t with Brit and Whit on social media
48: Dirty Deed LIVE
February 7th, 2020 | 50 mins 48 secs
anal, dating, intimacy, love, lube, marriage, masturbation, porn, relationships, sex, sex toys
A LIVE recording of Brit and Whit discussing sex topics asked by listeners.
47: Dating After Divorce
January 31st, 2020 | 40 mins 24 secs
blending families, children, co parenting, dating, dating single parent, dating with kids, divorce, intimacy, marriage, podcast, relationships, sex, single parent
When should you introduce your kids to the person you're dating? We don't know either but we sure do have an opinion about it.
46: Curry Uncloseted: A Gay Man’s Journey Part 2
January 24th, 2020 | 59 mins 7 secs
children, comedy, coming out, depression, gay, gay missionary, kids, lds, lds mission, lesbian, lgbt, lgbtq, mental health, mental illness, missoionary, mormon, motherhood, parenthood, parenting, ptsd, real life, relationships
Justin is back and this time he brought his husband Curry! Curry tells us what life was like for him growing up as a closeted gay man. Justin and Curry talk about how they met and what Curry gave up to have Justin in his life.
45: Cruising Through Life
January 17th, 2020 | 56 mins 47 secs
Do you ever feel like life is moving too quickly? The kids are growing up so fast or you wonder how in the heck have I been married for so long? Yeah, we feel that way too.
44: New Years Resolutions...or Not
January 10th, 2020 | 34 mins 42 secs
It’s a new year, do you have your resolutions? Brit and Whit aren’t big on resolutions, in fact Brit won't even say the word resolution.
43: A Gay Man’s Journey to Authenticity
January 3rd, 2020 | 1 hr 20 mins
children, comedy, coming out, depression, gay, gay missionary, kids, lds, lds mission, lesbian, lgbt, lgbtq, mental health, mental illness, missoionary, motherhood, parenthood, parenting, ptsd, real life, relationships
Guest Justin Hamilton talks about growing up as an LGBTQ Youth, what trails he faced, and how religion played a role in all of it.
42: Bad Santa
December 20th, 2019 | 39 mins 1 sec
blended family, children, comedy, kids, motherhood, parenthood, parenting, real life, relationships, step kids
Ever received a terrible Christmas gift? The girls are taking about the worst gifts they and some of their listeners have received.
41: Merry Chrotch-mas LIVE
December 13th, 2019 | 57 mins 22 secs
blending families, children, christmas, co parenting, coffee, comedy, dating, divorce, elf, gift, intimacy, joy, marriage, podcast, presents, relationships, sex, snow, winter
A LIVE recording from Brit's car, the girls are talking all things Christmas. From gift giving and expectations, to traditions and Santa with a hole in his pants.
40: Jesus Knows The Holiday Co Girls
December 6th, 2019 | 52 mins 42 secs
Kylee and Brittney from The Holiday Co Shop are on talking about how they came up with their amazing business of spreading Christmas magic. Their holiday boxes are truly amazing and their story is even better. So grab a sandwich cookie cutter, a lunch note, and join us for some rainbows and unicorns.
39: The Attitude of Gratitude
November 22nd, 2019 | 46 mins 52 secs
blessings, children, comedy, grateful, gratitude, happy, kids, motherhood, parenthood, parenting, real life, relationships, thanksgiving, the goldbergs, turkey
Sean Romero is back with Brit and Whit talking about gratitude. Why aren't kids grateful for anything, how to be in a blessings mindset, and why Brit is so grateful for the show The Goldbergs.
38: 2 Girls 1 Cup of Questions LIVE!
November 15th, 2019 | 58 mins 1 sec
cheese, childhood, dating, food, kids, marriage, podcast, questions, relationshiop
Brit and Whit go LIVE to answer random questions they pull from a cup.
37: What is this feeling?
November 8th, 2019 | 30 mins 22 secs
children, comedy, envy, jealousy, kids, mean girls, motherhood, parenthood, parenting, real life, relationships
We all get jealous from time to time right? There are different kinds of jealousy and reasons behind each one. Brit and Whit share what makes them the most jealous.
36: Working vs Staying Home
November 1st, 2019 | 35 mins 55 secs
children, comedy, kids, motherhood, parenthood, parenting, real life, relationships, sahm, stay home mom, working mom
Should you work or stay home raising kids? Each options has it's pros and cons but all options come with guilt. We discuss the choices we've made and why.
35: The Slutty Nurses Costume
October 25th, 2019 | 45 mins 40 secs
autumn, blending families, children, co parenting, cosumtes, dating, divorce, dressing up, fall, halloween, intimacy, marriage, relationships, sex, trick or treating
Brit and Whit are talking all things Halloween this week. With throw backs to their favorite and worst costumes, stealing their kids halloween candy, and why you should think twice about dressing as a slutty nurse.
34: That’s What He Said with Dennis Gable
October 11th, 2019 | 1 hr 28 mins
battle of the sexes, blending families, children, co parenting, dating, divorce, intimacy, marriage, men vs women, relationships, sex
*Language Warning: Dennis Gable joins Brit and Whit to talk about the differences in how men and women think. Do you want to know why your husband seemingly can't hear the kids when they are screaming and you're running around with your head cut off? Dennis gives us the answer to this and many other questions we've all wondered.
33: Real Sh*t Girls Google
September 27th, 2019 | 52 mins 7 secs
children, comedy, google, kids, motherhood, parenthood, parenting, questions, real life, relationships
Brit and Whit and 2 lovely guests read off the listeners submissions of what weird things they have googled.